Title: Deformation-induced ω-phase transformation in a β-type titanium alloy during tensile deformation 文章编号: 20170002 作者:
Author(s): Hidetoshi Fujii, Huihong Liu, Mitsuo Niinomi, Masaaki Nakai, Ken Cho
关键词: Keywords: Phase transformations; Titanium alloys; Transmission electron microscopy; Tensile deformation 文献标识码: 中图分类号: EMAIL: 摘要: Abstract: Deformation-induced ω-phase transformation during tensile deformation was investigated in the developed spinal-support alloy, Ti-9Cr-0.2O. Both preferential single-variant ω transformation along its [0001] direction and growth and/or assembling of uniformly distributed ω particles undergo in the alloy during tensile deformation. It is confirmed that this deformation-induced ω-phase transformation can be triggered by elastic strain or stress without plastic deformation. Furthermore, a re-orientation process works for this transformation; that is, the ω1 variant may re-orientate into the ω2 variant via {001} <110> twinning-type mechanism probably related to the external loading condition and the orientations of ω and β phases. 页码: 27-31