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  • 《钛工业进展》
    年:2020   卷:37   期数:3   页码:40   出版日期:2020-06-25
    Title:    Progress on Composite Design and Development of Advanced Processing Technology of Multi-phase and Multi-scale Reinforced Titanium Matrix Composites
    文章编号:    1009-9964(2020)-37-3-010
    作者:     来晓君1,3,李劭鹏2,韩远飞1,2,邱培坤2,方旻翰2,吕维洁1,2
                (1.浙江嘉钛金属科技有限公司,浙江平湖314200)(2.上海交通大学 金属基复合材料国家重点实验室,上海200240)(3.上海钛尤金属科技有限公司,上海200240)
    Author(s):     Lai Xiaojun1,3, Li Shaopeng2, Han Yuanfei1,2, Qiu Peikun2, Fang Minhan2, Lü Weijie1,2
                (1.Zhejiang Jiatai Metal Technology Co., Ltd.,
    摘要:      多元多尺度钛基复合材料以其轻质、高强、耐热等优异的性能在航空航天等高新技术领域具有广阔的应用前景。从多元多尺度强化设计思路、先进加工技术、工程应用等方面综述了原位自生钛基复合材料的研究现状。指出了研究中的关键突破点与存在的问题,并提出了新的研究方向,进一步优化复合材料多元多尺度设计体系,挖掘材料内部结构设计,提高材料的综合性能;另一方面完善先进热加工技术与理论,改善钛基复合材料的加工性,推动轻质高强钛基复合材料在重大装备等领域的应用。
    Abstract:     Multi-phase and multi-scale reinforced titanium matrix composites have a broad application prospects in the aerospace, and other high-tech fields due to their excellent properties such as light weight, high strength and high resistance in the elevated temperature. In the paper, the design idea, current status of advanced processing technology and engineering applications for the multi-phase and multi-scale reinforced titanium matrix composites were reviewed. The solved problems and remaining problems were pointed out, and the further research ideas were also proposed. On one hand, further optimize the existed multi-phase and multi-scale design systems and dig out the internal structure design of the titanium matrix composites in order to improve its comprehensive performance. On the other hand, the thermal processing theory and advanced thermal processing technologies should be developed to improve the processing performance in order to promote the application of lightweight high-strength titanium matrix composites in the military and other major fields.
    关键词:    钛基复合材料;原位自生;工程应用
    Keywords:     titanium matrix composites; in situ; engineering application

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