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  • 《钛工业进展》
    年:2020   卷:37   期数:4   页码:41   出版日期:2020-08-25
    Title:    Review on Investigation and Application of Titanium Armors
    文章编号:    1009-9964(2020)-37-4-007
    作者:     郑超,朱秀荣,王军,辛海鹰,邵志文
                (中国兵器科学研究院宁波分院, 浙江宁波315103)
    Author(s):     Zheng Chao, Zhu Xiurong,Wang Jun, Xin Haiying, Shao Zhiwen
                (Ningbo Branch of China Ordnance Academy, Ningbo 315103, China)
    摘要:      综述了国内外装甲钛合金的研究现状,主要论述了抗弹性能及抗毁伤机理、附加装甲结构单元技术、应用基础研究等;介绍了抗弹性能考核评价及板材验收规范,主要包括抗弹性能考核评价方法、抗弹性能指标体系建立、板材验收标准制定情况等。通过对装甲钛合金应用现状和发展趋势的分析,加深人们对装甲钛合金材料和应用技术的理解,推动装甲钛合金材料的工程化应用。在进一步论述装甲钛合金应用现状的基础上,提出了未来装甲钛合金研究发展趋势。
    Abstract:     This paper reviewed progress of research in the field of titanium armors all around the world to deepen our understanding and drive the application of titanium armors, especially the application and further investigation of titanium armors. The science and engineering of titanium armors, included ballistic performance and failure mechanism of titanium armors, ballistic performance of monolithic and constitutive part of titanium alloy in armor configurations, fundamental science research of titanium armors; ballistic performance and armor plates standardization, included method on evaluation of ballistic performance, the index and database of ballistic impact properties, standard of titanium plates in armor application lay down; Finally, the recent application of titanium armors was reported and further investigation was discussed.
    关键词:    装甲钛合金;抗弹性能;抗毁伤机理;应用技术研究
    Keywords:     titanium armors; ballistic performance; failure mechanism; research in application

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